パイン カーミング CICA アンプル ダブルパック (30ml+30ml)
パイン カーミング CICA アンプル ダブルパック (30ml+30ml)
- 香港
- 日本
- マレーシア
- オーストラリア
- サウジアラビア
- シンガポール
- 台湾
- アラブ首長国連邦
- アメリカ合衆国
日本固定送料:USD 8(約1200円)
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-Korean Skincare
- シンガポール: 5米ドル
- マレーシア: 5米ドル
- 日本: 8ドル
- 香港: 8米ドル
- 台湾: 7米ドル
- オーストラリア: 11米ドル
- アメリカ: 12ドル
- アラブ首長国連邦: 25米ドル
- サウジアラビア: 25米ドル
ROUNDLAB パイン カーミング CICA アンプル ダブル パックは、肌を落ち着かせ、潤いを与えるように設計されています。松のエキスの効能が詰まったこのアンプルは、敏感肌を対象としており、肌全体の質感を高めながら、鎮静効果をもたらします。
1.鎮静効果: CICA 配合のこのアンプルは、赤みや刺激を軽減するのに役立ち、敏感肌に最適です。
2.ハイドレーションブースター: 肌に深く栄養を与え、潤いとリフレッシュ感を与えます。
3.肌の質感を改善します: 定期的に使用すると、肌が整い滑らかになり、より健康的な顔色になります。
1. 洗顔と化粧水の後、アンプルを数滴顔に塗ります。
2. 完全に吸収されるまで、製品を肌に優しく叩き込んでください。
3. 水分補給を強化するために、お気に入りの保湿剤を塗ってください。

This serum surprised me, as it controls mild acne well. I noticed it when I stopped using it for a while and started having small acne breakouts, which made me realize that this serum was the one that helped me considerably. Right now I'm using it in my daily routine along with other products from the same brand, and it's going great for me. It is important not to abuse this serum or combine it with routines that include retinol or exfoliants, as it contains salicylic acid derivatives
I wish they could come with bigger size This, and the medicune booster h OMG Helps with pist acne hyperpigmentation, reduces redness cools the skin. Packaging is made out of plastic, feels a little bit cheap. Twisting the cap might be difficult when hands fall off skin care and the dropper is difficult to manage. But the juice is amazing
exactly 12 days have passed since using this tool and the result is immediately noticeable! I would give this product 1000/10. In the first photo, you can see the products I used during these 12 days, I wiped my face with paper towels. I am 1000% satisfied
I really... Olive Young+ spends $1,000 a month on Amazon Among the nomads, I'm a nomad haha Even at night, it was very difficult to find an ampoule to apply before applying makeup, My skin was always dry and reddened, so I bought it on YouTube because it was good to wear it. After using it for a day or three, I immediately bought it again! I don't know when I applied it, but after a while, I was able to realize that I don't feel dry quickly today, and it also soothes my skin, so it's two birds with one stone..! It doesn't stick even before applying makeup! Even though I apply one pump at a time to my forehead, each cheek, nose, and throat, it doesn't push
It doesn't leave anything sticky on my face and absorbs quickly. I've been using this product since last summer in Korea. It was the most helpful thing to cool my face when it was hot. It's a must for summer! I tried other brands' cica products, but some were irritating. Round Lab's cica products are the best for my skin.
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